Sunday, May 30, 2010

Venture capitalist?

Yesterday I had the inaugural conversation with a friend of mine with respect to start a company together, exciting-exciting. Right not I cannot say much other than the coming 12 months will be a kind of start-up period where we'll run this business next to our main employments and right now our goal to adjust and prepare for a genuine launch the summer of 2011.

Stay tuned.


Monday, May 17, 2010


Just checked in by to say 'hello'. I now know exactly how 'Miles' from Sideways a result of an odd weekend. You just go with the flow with your friends and suddenly you end up with a nice surprise - that you fumble the first time around, naturally.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

30?! What already!

Well - it's about time to post something but doe to a hectic spring & winter I haven't been much around. Next weekend I'm turning 30 and during Easter this year I did a little inventory of myself.

- I'm a little year away from earning my bachelor in International economics and management (HD-U), and already after this I'm doing my best to get in line for a EMBA, preferably at London Business School.

- Project 100 - look under December 2009 - didn't stick, so in a few weeks I'll start meeting with a dietitian once a week in order to get a bit 'smaller' Hopefully this will be useful.

- Still working for Garmin but is getting a lot of interesting job offers from headhunters etc. so let's see how long I'll stick around at Mr. Min.

Well - just a summary of April 2010, I hope to be more productive on the blog (:

Sunday, February 28, 2010

New cabinet, and what have you....

Well, Prime Minister Løkke Rasmussens new cabinet was presented just short of a week ago, and what’s to say about this. Can he reclaim the power, i.e. win the next election? Probably. Wisely he shifted some heavyweights around internally in the cabinet (Mr. Stig Møller(K) & Mr. Haarder(V)) and disbanded some of the living zombies (Mr. Sander (V), Mr. Neergard(K), Ms. Christensen (K) & Ms. Tørnæs(V)) whom just hasn’t been ‘airborne’ so to speak for the last 6-8 months – if ever. More importently though he abandoned former Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussens policy agenda of ‘contract policy’ which meant specifying a number of tasks and then have those completed prior to the next election. Rather than this he listed some visions for Denmark whom he and the Cabinet will strive to achieve.

First point of order was to push the ball back on the oppositions part of the field by introducing a sound fiscal policy agenda, thus forcing R, S & SF to either concur on a fiscal policy alternative (not likely) or see the – up until now – relatively unified opposition get into a bloody fistfight over where to cut.

Likely as not the forthcoming election, not to be held no later than November 2011 is going to be the most decisive for Denmark in the past 10 years. If the current cabinet wins power once more, then Ms. Torning (S) party leader of the Social democrats and presumptive Prime Minister Candidate for the opposition has lost 3 in a row. This I assume she cannot survive politically. On the other hand if the current opposition does reclaim the power after some 8-10 years in opposition, what will happen with Ms. Kærsgaard. She is the founder, principle & party leader for the Danish Peoples Party (O) if she cannot gain controls of the power my thinking is she’ll want to retire, but that will crumble her party.

So basically there are to women who’s politically life are at stake at the next election; Mr. Thorning vs. Ms. Kærsgaard.
Currently I’m not sure who’s going to win.

PS. Liberal Alliance (Y) – a libertarian party – are launching a major push starting tomorrow with ads, explaining why to vote for them. This might shake things up a bit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A nice little train!

This Christmas I was gifted with a new train from Märklin, Baureihe 64, that is a multi purpose steam locomotive from DB (Deutschen Bundesbahn). It’s a smooth little locomotive with sound so the faster you let the train go the more intense the steam locomotive sound is. Also squeaking brakes, bell, whistle-sounds etc. Next objective is to get more rails and electrified my railway switches to improve the realization of the usage.

Oh – you gotta love playing with electric trains (-:

Sunday, January 03, 2010

What happens when Mr. Vestergaard is killed?

First of a statement of my views in this matter; Ever since Jyllands Posten – – decided to print the Mohammed cartoons in 2005 I’ve been in favor of this. Danish freedom of speech applies in Denmark and nowhere else, and as such we cannot tolerate that religious, political or any other dogma influences Danish legislation. We have a judicial branch in Denmark separated from religious influence and are to follow international laws and conventions, but through centuries of debating and development of our society we’ve come to accept that no one, with no(!) exception (The Queen – or King, whichever is present, our Prime minister, famous writers, sports stars, the religious organizations ect.) can avoid to be to be mocked or made fun of, this is a cornerstone of our freedom of speech. Only when such statements are of a libellous nature, then the attacked may plead his case to the court and whatever ruling is to be followed. I support the printing of these cartoons, the drawers, the papers that printed them as support later on. This isn’t a discussion of the legality of these cartoons or if they should be printed or not, no rather it’s a kind of what if? (i.e. what when)

I 1988 Salman Rushdie printed The Satanic Verses and in 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini declared a Fatwa to kill Rushdie. The same hasn’t happened yet and there is number of reasons for this. None the less the cartoonist Mr. Vestergaard was brutally attacked in his home and apparently only survived due to his safe room until armed police agents arrived at the scene 3 minutes later and disabled i.e. shot the intruder in the hand and leg reportedly.

The Police haven’t been able to fully secure Mr. Vestergaard since this isn’t the first attack upon him since the drawing but it’s the first where Mr. Vestergaard almost got killed by, what appears to be and renegade Somali male, age 28 acting on his own as revenge for the cartoons.

Now we arrived at my point; when – not if – but when someone, and this ‘someone’ will probably be a younger male with radical Islamic tendencies, succeeds and kills Mr. Vestergaard, what will happen then? Angry editorials condemning the perpetrators? Thousands rallying in the streets to show their disgust of this horrible crime?

Denmark cannot retaliate on a terrorist attack, since a terrorist officially isn’t state sponsored, some are but this is a different discussion. Should we quarantine all whom show Islamic tendencies? Of course not, that’s a joke; I don’t claim to have an answer for this, rather I reckon that we should remember former Louisiana Governor Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty, or give me death”

I truly hope that the police are able to provide Mr. Vestergaard with enough liberty to ensure that he stays alive, rather than experiencing an agonizing death.

And just to nobody is confused; the cartoon is Mr. Vestergaards impression of Mohammed.

And here my own - not even remotely close to the masterpiece above:
