Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weightloss. Here we go....


Well - due to a number of serious challenges I've decided to take them one all at once. Currently I think I'm well above 150 kg, but I'm not sure. And basically this is to much, it's health threatening and I'm - to be very polite - not an attractive guy, with all that follows.

Tomorrow morning I'll start weigh myself and post this on my twitter account rather than post a blog here.

My main goal will be to reduce my weight in blocks of 10 kg and my primary main goal is sub 100 kg asap. Once I get there I'll most likely have to undergo one or more plastic surgery operations to remove superfluous skin. This could probably give something like 5 kg additional weight loss.

Previously I've been able to drop as much as 2-3 kg a week(!) with the use of a kind of diet but in reality more like a correct nutrition

I'll try to post an update here once a month, but you're probably better off tracking me on twitter:
