Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old friends

Saturday I went to Copenhagen to visit a friend of mine I’ve known close to 25 years now. I haven’t seen him in a while because he’s been under a lot of stress due to a depression – for which he is in medical treatment for.

Once again I was shocked to se how a depression changes a person, especially one whom you know quite well. Just the idea of answering the phone or do the dishes seem to be a Sisyphus task in their view. The worst part tough is that they feel guilt towards you because they feel that they neglect you, and no matter how many times you tell them “its al right” is fails to penetrate into their minds.

Why should this be interesting one might argue? Well in Denmark to a large extend I believe people whom suffer form a depression is considered to be weak of mind, but in my humble opinion this is rubbish. Everybody can develop a depression for various reasons and if you know anybody; family, friends or colleagues whom suffer from this try not to be to harsh to them.

All one really can do is to be understanding and supportive and help them in any way possible.


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